Tips for proper breast milk storage and warming methods

How long can expressed milk be stored?
Freshly pumped milk can be kept at room temperature for up to 4 hours. If not used within that time frame, it can be moved to the fridge or freezer. In the refrigerator, it can be stored optimally for 4 days. If not used within that time, transfer to the freezer.

Breast milk can be stored in a refrigerator freezer for up to 6 months. Be sure to store it toward the back and not in the door of the freezer. In a deep freeze, breast milk can be stored up to 12 months. Be sure to use the older milk first when pulling from your freezer stash. Once pulled from the freezer, thawed breast milk MUST be refrigerated and used within 24 hours!

How to best warm breast milk to preserve nutrients?
Breast milk has so many important and specialized nutrients for baby. Studies show that the best way to preserve these nutrients is to warm the milk slowly and ensure the temperature does not exceed 104°F. For this reason, breast milk should never be microwaved or warmed directly on the stove. Bottle warmers may be used with caution as some may heat milk too much or too quickly. If using frozen milk, it’s best to put it in the fridge to thaw first. Once thawed, the milk can be warmed by placing it in a container of warm (but not hot) water, or holding it under warm, running water. We recommend the container method as it conserves water that can then be used for watering plants or cleaning. Once the milk is warm, gently swirl to ensure the fat particles are thoroughly mixed. Don’t forget to test the temperature of the milk before feeding to baby.

If you have any questions regarding lactation or how to properly handle/store expressed milk, our DMC lactation consultants are here to help! 

Caitlin Hainley