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We offer Central Iowa families holistic pregnancy services including lactation, prenatal, homebirth, newborn, post-partum, wellness, and gynecological care.

Birth Services

Newborn Care

Did you know that your midwives are licensed to see newborns too? Certified Nurse-Midwives are credentialed to care for you and your infant up to 28 days after birth.

We believe in treating you both in tandem as you navigate this new experience; if something is off in one, it’s going to affect the other, and we want to be able to help you find balance.

Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible care for all. Visit payment options include insurance, HSA’s, and cash-pay.


Intimate, Prolonged Care After Birth

As your midwives, we provide you with much more intimate and prolonged care after birth. We also provide a home visit at 24-36 hours.

Helping Baby Adjust to Life After Birth

Monitoring your child's first weeks of life outside the womb can be vital for preventing complications and making sure that everyone is thriving.

Infant Feeding Support and Guidance

Having an experienced and familiar professional to answer questions and provide insight helps provide an enjoyable and comfortable experience.

Supporting You and Your Family

Our team supports parents and siblings in stepping into their new roles with baby onboard.


We’re Here for YOU!

Pregnancy and childbirth are normal life processes. Our holistic approach empowers families to take control of their health and truly partner with our experienced midwives to create a personalized care plan.

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