Tips to help manage biting during nursing

It's not uncommon for babies to experiment with biting while breastfeeding, and although it can be a surprising and sometimes uncomfortable experience for mothers, it's essential to approach this phase with understanding and patience. Babies often start biting when they are teething or exploring new sensations with their mouths. However, rest assured that this behavior is typically temporary and can be managed with a few strategies.

One strategy is to observe your baby's cues and be ready to respond quickly. Sometimes, biting will occur during times when your baby is not actively feeding or right when they finish nursing. If you notice your baby becoming disinterested or disengaging from nursing, gently remove them from the breast. Take this time to observe whether the baby is ready to engage in a stimulating activity or whether they are still showing hunger cues. Another trick is to offer a teething toy before or after breastfeeding. This provides them with a satisfying outlet for oral exploration and gives them a safe place to chomp.

Communication is key with your little one. When baby does bite, use a calm and firm tone to let your baby know that biting hurts. You can say something like, "Ouch, biting hurts. We don't bite when we're nursing." Babies quickly pick up on tone of voice and facial expressions, so really ham it up. It may surprise or even scare them to hear a firm tone and see a tense facial expression, but these will help your baby understand how their actions affect you while establishing safe boundaries.

Remember, you're not alone in facing this challenge, and we're here to support YOU. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Nurse Practitioner Lactation Consultants for personalized guidance.

Wishing you and your little one a joyful and thriving breastfeeding journey!

Caitlin Hainley